EBSD analyses of metallic, ceramic, semiconductor and geological specimens in a table top Hitachi TM 4000 Plus SEM

EBSD table top SEM
EBSD table top SEM
EBSD table top SEM
EBSD table top SEM
EBSD table top SEM
EBSD table top SEM Al₂O₃
EBSD table top SEM Duplex steel
EBSD table top SEM hematite and magnetite
EBSD table top SEM Silicon wafer
Hitachi TM4000


  • By Jarle Hjelen, Wilhelm Dall, Håkon Wiik Ånes, Sasha Vuckovic, Torbjørn Sunde, Kurt Aasly.
  • A variety of specimen types was characterized by EBSD in a table top SEM. Metallic specimen (duplex stainless steel), a ceramic (alumina) specimen, part of a large grain silicon wafer and a geological specimen (iron oxides) were investigated. The EBSPs were acquired with a compact NORDIF NICE detector and streamed to the HDD on a lap top PC by use ofN3 EBSD acquisition software. The specimens were mounted on a 70° pre-tilted specimen holder.


The accelerating voltage was 15kV, working distance about 18 +/-2 mm. All specimens were analyzed in low vacuum mode. The pattern resolution was 96 x 96 pixels. To improve signal to noise ratio on-line averaging was applied. In the Table step size and the analysed area for all specimens are listed. The EBSPs were indexed off-line by EBSD software: EDAX/TSL (OIM), EMsoft and ATEX. Inverse Pole Figure (IPF) - and IPF+Quality (IPFQ) maps are shown.